I have a friend that walks through my door whenever
life begins to get tough. He knocks loud
and clear as I bend over vomit or pour over doctor's bills. He finds me in the operating room at the
hospital, and in the loud nursery at church with the other moms. He shows up at baby showers, and even
interrupts me as I mindlessly scan Facebook.
His name is familiar to all -- Isolation.
And he doesn’t just stand knocking on an unanswered
door. I am guilty, regularly, of eagerly
letting him in.
It is the deep, dark,
pit that screams that no one understands, no one cares, no one has ever walked
this road before.
Isolation refuses comfort,
disdaining the joys of others.
Isolation is a lonely,
desperate, hopeless place that requires work – hard work – to get out of.
And the scariest part about it – I put myself
there. And I keep myself there.
Isolation comes when I look at my life, my
situation, and it all seems so complicated, so unusual, so UNFAIR.
I paint a picture of other moms, whether real or fictitious, who I’ve
determined have it easier. Have it
better. I compare the best of others' circumstances with the worst of my own, and I withdraw, resent, and inevitably, choose isolation.
Isolation doesn’t play favorites. It affects everyone – anyone who is willing
to focus on their circumstances long enough to think they’re alone.
It manifests itself in attitudes like this:
They couldn’t understand. They’re in a different life stage.
She has what I’ve prayed for forever.
No one has a child like mine. A family like mine. A budget like mine. A
boss like mine. A past like mine. A future like mine.
but, at least you have (fill in the blank…)
It seems harmless, it seems
reasonable, it almost seems strangely comforting, to arrogantly assume that no
one can understand. But isolation comes
at great cost.
In fact, ISOLATION is one of the greatest dangers
of the church.
The great Charles Spurgeon knew it, when he penned: “Satan hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians
apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in. He
attaches far more importance to godly intercourse than we do. Since union is
strength, he does his best to promote separation.”
And what better way to promote
separation among Christians, than for the Christian himself to pull away? Because isolated people are hurt people –
people who believe that others, and ultimately God – cannot relate nor
help. And too often, isolated people
don’t actually want help. They prefer to
stay isolated. In a strange, backwards
way, isolation carries with it a subtle pride in the fact that no one can
But isolation is always
self-destructive. The isolated person
cuts herself off from the life-giving community that God intended. She continues to grow bitter, alienated, and
unable and unwilling to receive help and comfort.
But there is hope. There is always hope – even for the most
isolated of people.
If you’ve ever felt isolated,
alone, unknown – would you join me for the next few weeks as we consider the
great God who fashioned us for community?
He is calling us out of isolation and into joyful, knowable, unified
relationships with others.
Your words were eloquent and on point. I have been struggling with isolation for quite some time. Your post encouraged me beyond words. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting, I was just talking to someone about this! It's almost as if the very words I've passed along have come right back around to remind and encourage me in my own time of struggle. I appreciate you writing and sharing this with us. Such a blessing!
ReplyDeleteIt's incredible how your posts always seem to come right on time Megan. Thanks for being relatable and honest. This is something I've needed to hear for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteWow... THANK YOU. I have put many a name to my emotional ailments but have never before considered this one. God is so good in how he shows us ourselves at just the right time. Bless you for sharing this and for your beautiful transparency.
ReplyDeleteI love this! I just graduated college and in my life I have never been in a season with more uncertainty than the one I am currently in. It has always been difficult for me to give God that which I don't know, the future, which makes no sense but make me nervous. I love this it's just what I needed to read! Thank You..